The Stones Throw Hustlers
Tony // Owner & Dreamer
From: Dayton, Ohio
Tony's favorite beer is the Flat Penny Pale Ale.
He almost flunked chemistry until he started brewing beer, then he got a B- and graduated from WWU as a scientist. Now he owns a fancy telescope to prove it. Haircuts are his least favorite thing, with sour beers as a close second.
Nadine // Boss Woman
From: Durban, South Africa
Nadine's favorite beer is the Peach Queen of Tarts.
Her ideal adventure is swimming long distance in a beautiful lake with a friend followed by Tony on a paddle board, concluded with a picnic around a campfire. She once accidentally left Tony with no shirt, shoes, wallet, or phone at a gas station for three hours. He forgave her when she got him a beer.
Tim // Trivia Extraordinaire
From: Another Planet, aka Orange Country, California
Tim's favorite beer(s) are all our seasonals.
He thinks up approximately 2,000 questions every year for our robust trivia program. Unfortunately, we don't get to see him in the taproom as much as we want because he is busy developing his cat training program. He has taught many cats how to high-five, walk on a leash, and fist bump.
Lauren (L3) // Event & Marketing Maven
From: Just up the street
Lauren's favorite beer is the Raincountry Liquid Sunshine Lager.
Her ideal adventure is a backpack trip to Baker Lake, followed by days of floating with a beverage. Her record for books read in a year is 35. She's an only child who is known for her love of hot yoga, power walks on the interurban, and making good soup.
Duncan // Head Brewer
From: Sonoma County via Yakima, Washington
Duncan's favorite beer is the Mexican Lager.
His ideal adventure is to bike on the backroads and an eat a lot. He won't argue about something he isn't 100% sure about, and his favorite things to chat about include: Cattle Dogs, the German language, and the city of Yakima. Oh, and all our beers.
Lauren (L1) // Beertender
From: St. Louis, Missouri
Lauren's favorite beer is the Happy Valley Hazy IPA.
She's got a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a love for Border Collies. Her ultimate adventure would be backpacking and camping in Norway, and she almost cut her finger off with a chainsaw- but she didn't! She doesn't like bacon or ketchup- don't worry, we've forgiven her.
Lily // Beertender
From: Beyond the Wall (Sitka, Alaska)
Lily's favorite beer is the Happy Valley Hazy IPA or the Ginger Ale.
She accidentally befriended a Danish pop star while in Sicily, but is sworn to secrecy on their identity. She used to be in the circus, but has since resigned to the throws of bread making and beer pouring. One time a sea lion ate her lunch off the dock she was sitting on. She doesn't hold a grudge though, and still appreciates aqua-mega-fauna.
Hannah // Beertender
From: Sun Valley, Idaho
Hannah's favorite beer is the Citra Down IPA.
She competed in the first ever Women's Free-Ski Halfpipe Olympic Qualifiers in 2014, like a cool kid. Her favorite shoes are crocs, and she is so close to becoming an RN. Yay for her because that's an amazing feat, boo for us because we'll miss her behind the bar!
Lori // Beertender
From: Santa Monica, California
Lori's favorite beer (drink) is the Cran-Lime Seltzer or the Mulled Wine.
She is a certified SCUBA Diver, worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger when she was 19, has been a wine rep and a dog breeder, and when she was 13, she travelled around Europe with her parents and brother in a Volkswagen van for six months. The band Suicidal Tendencies used to play in her parents backyard. Oh, and did I mention? The other week she went skydiving.
Garrett // Beertender
From: 5 miles away
Garrett’s favorite beer is the Liquid Sunshine Lager.
His favorite station to play in the taproom is Taj Mahal. He rides a Nimbus 2000 to work everyday, is an avid Marauder’s Map user, and is a sucker for a face-off with members of the House of Slytherin. No, he does not have a lightning bolt on his forehead. Yes, the books are better than the movies.